Ragnarok Online 2 (SEA + NA English version) loader.
braking news: the game fucking sucks, I am not going to be updating the loader, go move to Aura Kingdom Online or something and stop emailing me about this shit.

changes: more hackshit removal from NA version
ATTENTION: North America RO2 open beta (more like, confirmation that game is dead) has ENDED that means you can stop asking me how to use this with NA release, as servers are already TURNED OFF thanks!!! Fix for SEA hackshit sometime soon, I'm too lazy to see what other crap I need to patch.
- NEW Now supports North America Ragnarok Online 2 servers. No account management, since login is in-client
- Create and store several game logins to choose at startup
- Launch multiple clients (for whatever reason)
- Securely stored credentials
- Remove UAC dependency on Windows Vista/7/8 - game runs as normal user and without "shield"
- game client is not modified on disk - no need to patch or redownload
- faecesbook login will be supported, get out
- yes, it works in windows xp sp3 (but that doesn't mean you should use that)
- no special dependency needed (no .net/autoit/other garbage)
- some client improvements - derandomize 2nd password entry, increase zoom limits in-game
- disable any client patches - only use as account management tool (requires Administrator privilege)
- Includes a DLL with some extra functions available in both patch and non-patch mode. Contact me for details if you're a developer
How to use
- Put lolder.exe in PlayPark\RO2 dir (or in Gravity dir if you're an 'murican)
- Add your login info (or check 'North America' checkbox)
- Choose profile, click launch
- ???
- Profit!
questions/comments? contact: timecop@gmail.com