Aura Kingdom Online loader/account manager.

Changes in 2014.02.04 version: Added a warning message if app is ran as Administrator. This is UNSUPPORTED and will most likely result in the game NOT RUNNING AS EXPECTED. Fix your account permissions, turn on UAC, until the warning is gone, and "User" is showing in top right corner of the app. Emails about game not working with Administrator privileges will NOT be answered.
- Create and store several game logins to choose at startup
- Launch multiple clients (for whatever reason)
- Securely stored credentials
- Remove UAC dependency on Windows Vista/7/8 - game runs as normal user on both 32 and 64bit OS
- game client is not modified on disk - no need to patch or redownload
- yes, it works in windows xp sp3 (but that doesn't mean you should use that)
- no special dependency needed (no .net/autoit/other garbage)
- Includes a DLL with some extra functions available in both patch and non-patch mode. Contact me for details if you're a developer
How to use
- Use your computer as unprivileved (NON-ADMINISTRATOR) account
- Put lolder.exe in AuraKingdom folder (same place where game.bin and Launcher.exe are)
- Add your login info - username + password
- Choose profile, click launch
- ???
- Profit!
- Try botting with Asuna Aura Kingdom Bot
questions/comments? contact: